What If We Told You...

There is a rising warrior spirit amidst our youth who are choosing to step up and live an extraordinary life.

We are preparing tough leaders for tomorrow’s battles who are willing to stand on the front lines and fight to overcome life’s challenges with honor, courage, & commitment.

Our love for Humanity drives us to equip a Generation to realize their self-worth, serve others, and above all, stand for justice and truth.

Our Why

The Junior Warrior Training (JWT) is a comprehensive program designed to develop leadership skills and practical experience for young candidates ages 9 through 13. The training begins with a strong emphasis on Attitude, Preparation & Execution (APE), setting the foundation for success in all aspects of life.

The ultimate goal of JWT is to influence culture and prepare a generation to be capable of leading themselves and working effectively with others. The program aims to cultivate honorable leaders who can positively impact their families and communities. 

Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to train youth to understand their unique identity, pursue a Christ-like ethic, and accept their responsibilities. We push for character development and to equip them with tools, values, and skills to prepare them for a successful and fulfilling future.

Our vision is to see a nation thrive with hope and a future. Raising the youth to be good men and women who raise strong families, excel in business, philanthropy, government, education, media, arts, and entertainment. We see a nation of warriors and ambassadors for human rights and freedom.

Our Process

Throughout the course, candidates will undergo a series of training modules that cover a wide range of essential skills. These modules include training such as outdoor survival, first aid, disaster preparedness, radio communication, and land navigation. 

Additionally, each candidate will complete courses in basic vehicle maintenance, culinary skills, tool use and safety, an introduction to woodworking, etc.

Junior Warrior Training is a holistic and comprehensive training program that not only equips young candidates with practical skills but also fosters their personal growth, leadership abilities, and a strong sense of responsibility.

Isaiah 1:17

Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.